Our company specializes in virus protection services in the areas of antimicrobial coating on high touch areas for 90 days protection, antimicrobial air disinfection aircon filters to purify the premise with virus-free air, and facial biometric thermometer for contact tracing.
Our award winning product GERMAGIC kills 99.9% of viruses and bacterial upon contact. It provides 90 days continual protection from HFMD, Covid-19 and even the common flu. When coated on high touched areas, it kills viruses and bacteria upon contact, thus protecting the vulnerable young and old from unnecessary sickness. Coating of an early childhood establishment starts from $500 for a 1,000sqft or smaller premise ($0.50 psf). For larger establishments, the psf will be reduced. Pls feel free to contact us to find out more . Thank you
This PSG pre-approved system has many functions: 1. Takes temperature of children and adults. Provide alert if anyone is found to have a fever 2. Detects anyone that is not wearing a mask 3. Keeps a record on the cloud-based software of all users entering the premise. Critical for contact tracing